Friday, November 14, 2008


So, I have been writing this paper on the relationship between Somatics and Neurophysiology. I just finished a major portion on it that talks about static stretching so I thought I'd post a little bit on here that you may find useful. More and more information is coming out to support what Hanna Somatic teaches, that our recent views on stretching are out of date, false, and could potentially be doing more harm than good. I'm simply going to say that our goals for stretching do not match up with the actual outcome. And here is why.

Go ahead and sit with your leg straight out in front of you and reach out to touch your toes. Reach until you start to feel a pull on the hamstrings and back of your knee. What you are feeling is called the Myotatic "stretch" Reflex. The hamstrings are contracting in response to static or passive stretching. This is a natural physiological mechanism of the body where as you start to pull a muscle from its resting position it contracts/tenses to regain position. The harder you pull on a muscle the more it will contract to regain its original length. So if your goal is to actually lengthen the muscle, this will not work. If fact if you pull too much, you can stretch the tendons leading to hypermobility or possibly tear the muscle or tendon. Also increased muscle tension will increase compression on your joints and nerves potentially leading to disc problems and nerve impingement.

Let's look at why not.

The reason it will not work is because of intrafusal/extrafusal muscle fibers and the alpha/gamma motor neuron feedback loop which I will hopefully explain in clear and simple terms.

Every muscle in your body is made up of intrafusal and extrafusal muscle fibers. The extrafusal muscle fibers are very numerous, they do most of the work involved with actively contracting and releasing a muscle. You want to turn your head. Your brain sends a signal along Alpha Motor Neurons to your neck muscles to contract and release allowing your head to move. That is the extrafusal muscle fibers.

Intrafusal muscle fibers are involved with posture, proprioception and the maintenance of a muscle's resting length. So what happens when you are standing at the bus stop and a strong wind gust comes to push you over? The intrafusal muscle fibers are what help you regain balance and stop from falling into the road. Intrafusal muscle fibers are grouped together in bundles called spindles and these spindles constantly send information to the spinal cord of the muscles length. When a muscle is passively stretched, these spindles sense it and send an impulse up to your spinal cord which then sends a message back to the Extrasal muscle fibers to contract and shorten. The myotatic stretch reflex.

One more thing, once again you have Alpha Motor Neurons and Gamma Motor Neurons. Alpha motor neurons are attached to extrafusal muscle fibers and they cause the muscle to contract and flex your joints. Gamma motor neurons are attached to these intrafusal muscle groups(spindles) and as they become engaged they pull at the spindle, increasing its sensitivity to stretch and making it more likely that the stretch feedback loop will be initiated.

What we know. We know that static stretching increases the activity of Gamma motor neurons.
What else? We know that conscious contraction decreases the activity of Gamma motor neurons.

This means that in order to lengthen a muscle, you need to inhibit the action of these gamma motor neurons by actively firing the alpha motor neurons. A great way to do that is what is called an eccentric contraction which means that the muscle is actively engaged while it lengthens, resetting the resting level. This is why Hanna Somatics works and this is what a lot of the fitness world is starting to turn to as they embrace dynamic stretching and functional warm ups to engage the muscles needed rather than passively stretch and pull. But don't take my word on it. Check out these great articles for more information.

NYTimes article
Stretching and Flexibility: a detailed look at the physiology of muscle contraction and stretch


granny said...

very interesting, indeed. what, in laymen's terms, do "dynamic stretching and functional warm ups" entail?

gabriel said...

Dynamic meaning instead of Static. In Static stretching you lengthen a muscle to a point and then either sit with that length or try and gently push past it. Dynamic stretching you are staying in motion bringing the muscle to its end point but not sitting there.

Functional warm ups are about priming the muscles and movements that you will need to use during a particular exercise or athletic event. For a tennis player this would be slowly going through the motions of your forehand and backhand. This is incredibly effective because doing this slowly and smoothly, you are engaging your frontal lobe and programming every minor action involved in the stroke so that when you then do it at full speed, the motion is smoother, easier and more effective. Any athlete in any sport can use this simple approach to improve performance.